I was delighted to receive an email recently from someone with a personal connection to the house that Professor Wood lived in.
I knew the building was in East Hampton, and I knew the road as it was noted on his letterhead. But try as I might I was unable to pin the building down based on the two photographs I have of it. This one was the one published in the Century Magazine in the Midwinter Number of the Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, published in February 1910 and was (as far as I know) the first infrared photograph to be published.

From my new contact I now know exactly which house it is. I'm told the building has been modified, which you'd expect after a century or more, but essentially what you can see in this photo (and the one in this earlier blog post) remains the same. The driveway from the road has changed, which is why I couldn't track it down with Google's Street View.
I hope to get a photo of the house as it is now so we can compare. I will let you know.